White Sage and Pirul
Sage is one of the sacred plants used by indigenous people around the world to purify the air and clear negative energies. It is used in rituals to protect against negative influences, clear space for access to visionary states, and to bring mental and spiritual clarity to your space.
The burning of sage is a natural antibacterial. Science has recorded the smudging of sage aides in lung, brain, and skin function. It has been revealed that the passive fumes work as a natural air purifier and the benefits can be recorded with marked affects up to 24 hours after smudging.
|| Pirul ||
Pirul is a Peruvian Pepper used in cleaning rituals as well as for medicinal purposes. When burned in a smudging wand; Pirul helps with spiritual cleansing, the removal of evil influences, clears envy or the sense of lack ,as well as welcomes abundance, good fortune, and health.