Blue Apatite Skull
Blue Apatite is a strong stone to aid the development of psychic gifts, and its energy also helps spiritual attunement. It will assist you with lucid dreaming and astral travel, and it encourages you to be of service in a more humanitarian way. It helps you accept yourself as you really are, and to gain greater self confidence. Its metaphysical properties work through both the third eye chakra and throat chakras. It will stimulate the growth of the gift of clairvoyance or psychic visions.
This stone works strongly within the throat chakra and the third eye chakra, and overall it is a powerful stone to aid the generation of many psychic gifts. It has a powerful ability to stimulate the development of your psychic visionary abilities. The growth of the gift of clairvoyance or psychic visions is quite common among many people who use the stone. If you are doing channeling this is also important, and Blue Apatite will aid you to get the message through clearly and accurately.
The vibration of this stone will cleanse the aura, especially within the mental body. Like many blue crystals it has a strong action within the throat chakra, and it will especially assist you to communicate psychically. If you wish to work within any kind of psychic employment, this stone will help you, as it is necessary in these jobs for your communication to come through clearly. Hold it when you do a psychic meditation, or you could put one under your pillow, and you may find that you have dreams that aid you to solve difficult problems, creatively. It has a stimulating effect that may also be an aid to you if you want to enhance your creativity.
In metaphysics, crystal skulls are used for ceremonial work, healing, energy work, and enhancing one's psychic abilities. Used for healing, we go to themes of self awareness and creating balance to opening psychic abilities to be able to understand the nature of human creation and evolution.
Holding an object to exchange energies and/or receive messages with it, is called psychometry. To find messages while look at the inclusions within a quartz crystal, or crystal skull, is a form of divination called Scrying. There are countless hypotheses that the crystal skulls are the legacy of some higher intelligence or ancient astronauts who seeded the human race.